From this display, the breakdown of where time is spent for this statement's executions is shown both graphically as a pie chart as percentages and as time values in a table. 从此处可以看到,执行语句所花费时间的详细说明用图形(即以饼图显示百分比)同时在表格中显示时间值。
An example of a data view is a chart to display the SQL statement distribution. 数据视图的一个例子是显示SQL语句分布的图表。
Setting the AUTOTRACE option ON will enable the display of explain and statistics information for each statement executed in that session along with query results, until the AUTOTRACE is disabled. 将AUTOTRACE选项设置为ON将允许显示该会话中执行的每条语句的说明和统计信息,以及查询结果,直至AUTOTRACE被禁用。
For a third time, he jiggles the cardboard display to show another comical statement. 路人无动于衷时,流浪汉就会再掀起一块纸板,展示出另一句话。
The integrity, repeatability and type matching of SQL statement are checked via the system. In order to display, modify, check and build SQL statement, function, expression and condition are defined as object. 系统对SQL语句进行了完整性、重复性和类型匹配等检查,并且把函数、表达式和条件作为对象,便于显示、修改、检查和生成SQL语句。
This system, which can carry out the daily report and the monthly report of the business data, possesses different data access methods and can display the analyzing result of the dynamic state statement quickly. 该系统实现了营业数据日报和经营情况月报,具备多样的数据访问方式,能够以动态报表图形快速地展现分析结果。